So... My aunt/uncle have sketchy internet (not even wireless) so basically, my blog is useless. Work blocks this site too... but not Tumblr!! :) So I do have aTumblr account now, it's kind of more my thing anyway. So if you are interested in what's up in my life, check out that site.
Maybe once I get back to school and such and I re-start this one again. But for now, I don't have time at all.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Hey Friends :)
Just a quick note to say that I don't really have internet... I have to walk 30 minutes or so in order to get to an internet cafe that closes at five most days, which is when I am getting off work.
So basically, I wanted to say that if you are Facebooking or e-mailing me, I will not get them except for Saturdays maybe. So, text me.
I start work Monday and I am scared, I'm sure it will all go well.
One final thought, if any of you aren't busy... Come pick me up :)
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Thanks for the Memories
It's hard to believe that eight-ish months ago I was chilling out with new friends getting ready to chant " Hooooooly Cross is here, we're here to give you cheer..." at the cheer off, it seems like yesterday.
Is this year really over? It's hard to believe it is and that I am sitting in my room at home with boxes all around me, some still packed and some empty. I'm listening to the HCH-Forever playlist Olivia and I made up a few weeks ago when we realized how close the end was, and now it's here. All of these songs bring back memories from the year.
This year was a fantastic one, I made a lot of new friends who I miss already! I think this is the first time I've cried while saying a goodbye, Holy Cross gave me such strong bonds with great people.
This morning seems about two days ago... with the confusion of getting signed out, to tearful goodbyes, spending 90 dollars on pop in the caf... A lot of tears were shed this morning due to goodbyes with strong hugs and certain blog posts... Amanda! :)
I changed a lot this year, I think nearly everyone could say their Holy Cross experience changed them in some way. I cannot express how much I love the house and can't wait to move back in after a Summer apart from my best friends.
I wanted to end this note with some of the best memories I've had this year. Thanks to everyone who made it possible. Love you :)
-Caturday / No Pants Friday
-Heritage Moment Party
-Group gatherings for Glee
-"Hey YOU!!" :)
-Ordering pizza late at night on several occasions.
-Cheer off
-Toga-Q (x2)
-House Dinner
-Ball Hockey, "1, 2, 3, Joe's Mom!", my best ball hockey partner
-Chilling out in Angela's room with laptops, tv and music
-Mall trips
-Wing bonding
-HCH Art Gallery
-Car trips with Michelle
-Welcome Week
-Other people's phone conversations, haha
-The mutual hate for Levan
-Ninja rolling
-Writing last wills and testaments due to illnesses
-"Tough Love" every Monday night... while it lasted
-Birthday parties
-Sticker Tag
-Just chilling out :)
Every moment was a good one in some way, there is no way I could possibly fit them all here.
Monday, April 5, 2010
What I've Learned First Year.
Just some of the things I have learned my first year at STU, some are directed at certain people, and some are general. I'm sure there are more, I just can't think of them all...
-You are judged by how long your showers are :)
-Always keep your room clean, a tour might go through.
-There is always someone awake, at any point of the night, writing a paper
-No matter how hard you try not to, you will procrastinate.
-The people in your house will become your best friends.
-There's always someone to talk to.
-Just because your smoke alarm goes off, doesn't mean people will wake up, they may think it's an alarm clock.
-If you have home baked desserts, you are the favourite in your hall.
-If you don't like something your mom sent you, someone will.
-There are often random dance parties.
-'Rate Your Prof Canada' is a key part to course selection.
-You live for the course/prof evaluation sheets at the end of the semester.
-It's stupid that it's Taco Wednesday and not Taco Tuesday anymore.
-Someone will understand that obsession you have that people at home thought was weird.
-The first day at home is the best, but then you want to get right back to school.
-WebAdvisor is the most useless thing ever.
-If you don't understand your homework, someone else probably does.
-When an awesome thing happens to you [first A+, getting excepted into Education/other -university, graduating] your entire hallway rejoices with you.
-You can complain about a prof and someone else will agree and complain with you.
-You can hear word for word what your neighbors are saying on the phone.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Wait, What?
I think that it actually just sunk in how close the academic year is to ending, I just received an e-mail from Ashley (house president for my non-Crosser friends) giving us all the "end of semester information". Which is basically final dates for house-wide activities. Hard to believe my first year of university is coming to an end! I feel like Welcome Week was about two days ago. Where did all this time go?
If I think it went by fast, I can only imagine how it must feel to the Grads, their journey at St. Thomas University is nearly over. Thankfully, for me this is just the beginning, I still have three years to go.
When I think about all I did this year, it makes me smile. I met so many new friends that I know I'll stay in touch with long after the years here are over. I literally had the best roommate one could ever want while at university. For the most part, I had great classes and Prof's and finalized my future plan to major in History because my Prof made me love the subject even more. Finally, I learned that the best part of a class you hate, is the Prof evaluation at the end of the semester.
So here's to an awesome last few weeks of the 2009-2010 academic year. To all the grads, congrats and good luck in the future :)
Monday, March 15, 2010
It's Official!
After nearly a month of exchanging e-mails and resumes, it is finally 100% official that I am moving to Ottawa this Summer to work for the government in Human Resources and Skills Department of Canada within the New Horizons for Seniors Program.
It took forever to get this finalized because I was waiting for a call, I only left my room once on Friday and then not at all today until about 5 when it was time to eat, and only because I finally got to have my interview.
I am so excited for this opportunity, not only do I get to leave in a beautiful city that I love but I get to live with my Aunt and Uncle, who I never really get to see because it's so far away. I usually see them once a year, and now I get to spend a whole Summer with them.
So that's that. This is all sorted out and in 7 weeks, I will have started my new job, hard to believe that my first year of university is almost over and I'll be in Ottawa for an entire Summer... Time flies, so, so fast.
Friday, March 12, 2010
I've Got Sunshine
Let's hope the rest of the semester is full of sunny days much like this one and no more snow! (Although, snow does not look possible at this point, just sayin') This afternoon I thought of making my annual Summertime Playlist on my iPOD and though I would share 15 of those songs with you.
[1] Jon McLaughlin- Another Layer
[2] Saving Jane- Autumn and Me
[3] Kat DeLuna- Calling You
[4] Colbie Callait and Jason Reeves- Droplets
[5&6] Dashboard Confessional- Even Now [and] Jamie
[7] Colbie Callait- Fallin' For You
[8] Train- Hey Soul Sister
[9] A Day to Remember- If it Means a Lot to You
[10] Eric Hutchinson- Ok, It's Alright With Me
[11] Jack Johnson- People Watching
[12] Scarlett Johansson & Pete Yorn- Relator
[13] the Weepies- Can't Go Back Now*
[14] Lady Sovereign- So Human
[15]Michael Franti & Spearhead- Say Hey (I Love You)
*= personal fave :)

Monday, March 8, 2010
The Pink Glove Dance
Dear Friends,
Please watch this video, it was made by hospital staff in Portland to raise awareness to Breast Cancer. It's a fun, cute way of raising awareness and every time so many people view it, money is donated :)
Thursday, March 4, 2010
What A Break.
My March Break started off as me rushing through a midterm in order to catch a bus in a crazy snow storm... Should have taken it as a sign as to how uneventful it was going to be.
Got my hair cut (finally!) and went to Frenchy's. Honestly all I did... Oh, I watched a documentary for a paper I had to write...
Went to church, watched the Gold Medal Hockey Game and a little bit of the closing ceremonies.
Snow Storm! So much for plans to go to SJ and shop/see a movie. Stuck inside doing homework.
Raced to SJ for a 10am doctor's appointment, had that and was back in Sussex for 12. Went out to supper with the famjam and then went to Patrick's until 11 or so.
Finally did something entertaining :) Went out to lunch with a friend from high school then did loser laps for about an hour. Five minutes after getting home I got a text from Morgan "Coming to get you in 5, be ready". So then I drove around with them for about 2 hours.
We went to a really kick ass play ground in H-Town but it was closed... Who knew playgrounds could close...?
So today, the plan was to go to Moncton and see a movie, shop and then eat as East Side Marios... But I am looking outside and I feel that it is NOT going to happen, there is a looot of snow out there.
That is my week until this very moment... Not something to brag about but I think people need to understand how intensely boring Sussex actually is, I feel like people don't believe me sometimes.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
"Settling For Silver"
If you read any article or post about Canada's loss to Sweden last night in the Women's Curling Gold Medal Match, nearly every one of them says that Cheryl Bernard will have to "settle for silver". If you read my last entry, you can probably guess this really bother's me. Why say they just "settled for silver"? I think it should be they WON silver. Congrats to Team Canada / Team Bernard! Winning Silver at the Olympic level is amazing, and should be admired!

Another thing that bothers me is the fact that according to the articles "Cheryl lost the game twice". Hm, excuse me but were you on the ice? No. Curling takes a lot of skill and Cheryl Bernard has it, she is the Skip after all! So she missed a couple opportunities? It's not like she did it on purpose or didn't try her best, you can tell by her face all she wants is to curl her best and have the team do well.

This picture is from the Canada/USA game in the round robin part of the tournament.
On a happier note, I would like to point out that at the medal ceremony, Cheryl Bernard seemed very, very pleased and proud to have a silver medal around her neck, as she should. This may be because before the Olympics they weren't even favored to win any medal, let alone silver. She also clapped for both Sweden and China as they received their medals, showing good sportsmanship.
Since the Olympics are being very strict with copyright laws, I couldn't find a picture of Team Canada with their medals. But here is a picture of Team Bernard taken before they were Team Canada, which they found out in December 2009.

So once again, congrats to Team Canada on their win of Silver in the 2010 Winter Olympics. I am very proud of the team, and hopefully we'll see them again in 2014 in Russia! (Although I heard they may be taking a very long break as curling is very hard on their families as they are gone for such a long amount of time during the Winter)
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Olympic Pressure
I am a huge fan of the Olympics, I think they are fun to watch and it gives you something new to talk about with your friends for a couple weeks. However, I am not a fan Canada putting all this pressure on their athletes!
I just turned on the tv to channel surf and the first commercial I saw was for hockey. The announcer said at the end "Crosby and team have the weight of a nation on their shoulders. A win, their only option." SERIOUSLY? I mean, I know the loss to the US was dissapointing, but didn't they regain themselves with the 8-2 win over Germany last night? I mean, I understand that losing sucks, epically since hockey is Canada's Sport, but the weight of the Nation? Imagine if you were on that team and you lost? How crappy would you feel? Geez, I felt bad losing games in tournaments when I played basketball in high school, let alone the Olympics!! As for "Crosby and the team"... Why put all the pressure on Crosby? Yes, he is an excellent player and does very well but it is a Canadian team. Not Crosby and the other players. Canadian Team. The old cliche of "win as a team, lose as a team" needs to be placed here not "Crosby wins the game, Crosby loses the game." (Although I do know they didn't say that, it's how I feel they are saying it all...)
And what about that poor girl who felt like she let her country down? Um, excuse me at least you made it to the Olympics! Which is more than everyone else who is judging her can say! I think going to the Olympics makes you a winner just because you are obvioulsy kick-ass enough to get there!
However, I think I am getting a little too into the Olympics, since I am already convinced the Women's Curling Team is going to take the gold. After all, they do have Cheryl Bernard :) Which is basically the problem, we get too drawn into these games, it should bring a country together to cheer on and support our best athletes, not place "the weight of the Nation on their shoulders". But the thing is, I'm not going to have a huge hissy fit it the curling team loses, so they lose? Whatever, they made it to the semi-finals which is more than a lot of people can say. I am proud of them for playing their best and making it that far.
Seriously Canada, stop putting all this pressure on the athletes. They are obviously trying hard, and should not feel like they let their country down if they lose! At least they made it that far!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Let Me Introduce You To Patrick
I have realized since I came to STU that I talk about my friend Patrick a lot. Which I have probably done forever, but never realized until people were constantly asking "Who's Patrick?" or "Is Patrick your boyfriend?". No, Patrick is not my boyfriend, he's just one of the best friends ever, so let me introduce you to him:
Now, I can probably guess that you are like, "Um, how old is he...?". Well, Patrick is nine years old and will be ten on July 12th. My mom and his mom are super close and hang out all the time so Patrick was always around me growing up because my mom used to babysit him and his brother, Matthew. Since they've gotten older we hang out more, usually playing sports and going on big, family camping trips.
At first Patrick went through a phase where we would hang out (aka: me babysitting him) and he would introduce me as his 'girlfriend'. Haha, no. He would've been 5, and me 14. But now he tells people one of two things, that I am his 'big sister' or his 'best friend'. It changes depending on the person. It's weird I know, that I'm such good friends with a nine year old, but seriously, he is the best little kid. He plays hockey, soccer and golf and rocks at all three. He can also play the drums and played them on Christmas Eve at the church service.
So, weird as it may be, Patrick is my best little friend who misses me like crazy since I've moved to Fredericton. He just doesn't understand why I don't come home every weekend to see him, which makes him cry sometimes (so cute, it breaks my heart).
There, now you know who Patrick is, not my boyfriend, or little brother (I wish) just a great kid who I love being around when I go home. Haha and please don't judge me :)
Last but not least, at Patrick's request, I leave you with his favourite song, not my first choice but he loves it and insisted I place it for all to hear (or ignore). It's Down With Webster's song "Rich Girl".
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Acting Five Again...
Nothing quiet eventfully ever happens in my life, but I felt I had to update my blog due to the fact that I have a ton of homework so procrastination is obviously at the top of my list. :)
What I thought I would talk about is the picture you see above.
That is the epic fort that my roommate Chrissy and I have made! She made hers first (the bottom bunk) because she thought her reading light was bothering me so then I obviously had to make one too so that our room didn't look uneven. I also thought I would do it to keep the sun from shining on my face in the morning... I hate waking up to the sun. But yeah, those are our forts, and everyone seems to think it's pretty cool, so we're content with that. :) However, when I told my mother she said "So, um, how old are you? Act your age, not your shoe size." To which I replied "Well, considering my shoes are a size 14, it's not much of a stretch". Haha, I am 18 and proud to say I have a fort in my room, an incredibly epic fort. Although I must add, that Chrissy was so excited the first night, she couldn't sleep. We are classy ladies.
But other than that... Events of the week? Um, fort building, having to re-pierce my nose this morning, winning 14-3 at Ball Hockey on Sunday aaaand Canada winning 3 Gold medals !!!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Ooooh Bus Trips!
So, I know my friend Katelin Cummings will be blogging about our bus adventure buuut I thought I would too. I havn't written in like 3 days because I realised how boring my life really is! Haha, anyway for the hour and a half trip home, I basically laughed the entire time.
Before you read this.
I just read this over and thought that maybe it is one of those "You had to be there" moments, and that you won't find it funny at all... Which would basically make this trip even better for Katelin and I.
Before the Bus:
To start our journey, we arrive in seperate cars at the bus station. We walk in together and I went and bought my ticket. After buying my ticket, we thought we would just hang out in the lobby deal and wait for the bus. Now, I learned from this trip that I am bad at standing in public. We stood buy the counter as if we were in line... but we weren't so after about 4 people asking "Are you in line?" We decided to move. We moved over by the bathrooms and that was when I talked about me and Chrissy playing DS's together. ...Katelin told me I should never say that outloud again.
Finally, our bus arrived. We thought we'd go stand outside, however, no one in front of the door had the sense or manners to move so in Katelin's word we just "chilled" in front of the door, on the inside. (Note: when Katelin said that, the pack of girls outside laughed really hard... :S) We Finally got outside but yet again, we were in the most awkward place EVER. We had to move about 50 billion times, and at one point, I was standing in a tree...? All good fun. While standing outside, we realised we would have to run onto the bus in order to get seats together, so while Katelin checked in her bag, I sprinted onto the bus.
On the Bus:
I grabbed the first double seat I could find, which was in the third row. However, I didn't notice that one of the seats was pushed back, so when Katelin got on the bus, she was stuck between her seat and the other. This is where the bus awkwardness started. She finally got comfortable because the little boy in front of us pulled the chair back up. Please note the little boy, he is important.
Once we started moving, we noticed the little boy was on his computer watching a movie. So we looked in the window and watched the movie in the reflection... Classy, we know. After he got bored of the movie (before we got on the highway) he put on some music... with no headphones. Therefore, we knew we were in for a long trip after the first few notes of ACDC's "Highway to Hell" played... loudly. Not long after that, he put the movie back on, but this time it FROZE and the weirdest sound kept repeating (it was at this point Katelin looks at me and says "How do you describe that noise? Thank God you are here, no one would believe me") and the boy started freaking out. He could not make it stop, hahah, sooo funny! Finally, he restarted his computer and all was good.
Here comes my favourite part of the trip. The boy decided to put his webcam on and take a bunch of pictures of himself sticking out his tounge. So of course Katelin I watch in the window again, making fun of him the entire time. Which we thought was creepy, until we realised we are college girls and therefore we must be hot and cool... Right? So that entertained us for about 10 minutes.
Finally, we reached Sussex where we had this hugh high "SUSSEX!!!" then a major low "Oh... Sussex... Greaaaat." Then this boy decides to go to the bathroom at the back of the bus and as he walks back, he pulls Katelin's hair! So she obviously goes "Um, OW!" and he looked at her and kept walking! No apology! But then we realised we sort of deserved it for calling him weird and making fun of his pictures...
And now here I am, home. I am not even kidding, I could have written about six million other awkward situations that happened while on this bus. But what do you expect? Put two really awkward people together for about 2 hours in a public setting, you are bound to have some good stories afterward.
Before you read this.
I just read this over and thought that maybe it is one of those "You had to be there" moments, and that you won't find it funny at all... Which would basically make this trip even better for Katelin and I.
Before the Bus:
To start our journey, we arrive in seperate cars at the bus station. We walk in together and I went and bought my ticket. After buying my ticket, we thought we would just hang out in the lobby deal and wait for the bus. Now, I learned from this trip that I am bad at standing in public. We stood buy the counter as if we were in line... but we weren't so after about 4 people asking "Are you in line?" We decided to move. We moved over by the bathrooms and that was when I talked about me and Chrissy playing DS's together. ...Katelin told me I should never say that outloud again.
Finally, our bus arrived. We thought we'd go stand outside, however, no one in front of the door had the sense or manners to move so in Katelin's word we just "chilled" in front of the door, on the inside. (Note: when Katelin said that, the pack of girls outside laughed really hard... :S) We Finally got outside but yet again, we were in the most awkward place EVER. We had to move about 50 billion times, and at one point, I was standing in a tree...? All good fun. While standing outside, we realised we would have to run onto the bus in order to get seats together, so while Katelin checked in her bag, I sprinted onto the bus.
On the Bus:
I grabbed the first double seat I could find, which was in the third row. However, I didn't notice that one of the seats was pushed back, so when Katelin got on the bus, she was stuck between her seat and the other. This is where the bus awkwardness started. She finally got comfortable because the little boy in front of us pulled the chair back up. Please note the little boy, he is important.
Once we started moving, we noticed the little boy was on his computer watching a movie. So we looked in the window and watched the movie in the reflection... Classy, we know. After he got bored of the movie (before we got on the highway) he put on some music... with no headphones. Therefore, we knew we were in for a long trip after the first few notes of ACDC's "Highway to Hell" played... loudly. Not long after that, he put the movie back on, but this time it FROZE and the weirdest sound kept repeating (it was at this point Katelin looks at me and says "How do you describe that noise? Thank God you are here, no one would believe me") and the boy started freaking out. He could not make it stop, hahah, sooo funny! Finally, he restarted his computer and all was good.
Here comes my favourite part of the trip. The boy decided to put his webcam on and take a bunch of pictures of himself sticking out his tounge. So of course Katelin I watch in the window again, making fun of him the entire time. Which we thought was creepy, until we realised we are college girls and therefore we must be hot and cool... Right? So that entertained us for about 10 minutes.
Finally, we reached Sussex where we had this hugh high "SUSSEX!!!" then a major low "Oh... Sussex... Greaaaat." Then this boy decides to go to the bathroom at the back of the bus and as he walks back, he pulls Katelin's hair! So she obviously goes "Um, OW!" and he looked at her and kept walking! No apology! But then we realised we sort of deserved it for calling him weird and making fun of his pictures...
And now here I am, home. I am not even kidding, I could have written about six million other awkward situations that happened while on this bus. But what do you expect? Put two really awkward people together for about 2 hours in a public setting, you are bound to have some good stories afterward.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
...I Always Conform
So here it is, a blog. I remember having one in grades seven to nine, but deleted it because I got sick of it for whatever reason. However, I got another one because everyone in my wing is doing it, and yes, I would jump off a bridge if they did too. After reading my across-the-hall-friend Amanda's, I was like, haha this could be fun again! And it's not like I am expecting a grand audience, maybe just a couple of friends and my sisters, but I am okay with that.
Also, I thought it would be cool, since I am going to Ottawa this Summer and am going to be away from all my friends and family, I thought it could be a way to keep in touch, sort of, and let everyone know how it is in Ontario.
I kind of wanted this to share my love of music with everyone too, so I thought I would post a link to a song ... Even though I know I will stop in a few months and be like, agh this is dumb, find your own music. But for now, I leave you with this beauty I discovered this morning while watching Much Music Top 5. It's the cast of the musical 'American Idiot' with Green Day singing "21 Guns", the ladies in this song have some intensely powerful voices, in my opinion. :)
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